2012 in Review by Michelle

It was very nice of Word Press to create a 2012 in review for me.  However, it missed some of my highlights so here they are:
Mother and Son, 10 days old.
  •  Design and facilitation of countless events and meetings using innovative, conversation based and visual techniques
  • Continued work on the Columbia River Treaty as the engagement coordinator
  • Published report with IISD on one of my passions: Performance Improvement and Assessment of Collaboration: Starting points for networks and communities of practice
  • I finally took part in an Art of Hosting for my own professional development (on beautiful Bowen Island)
  • The 3rd annual RosViz graphic facilitation workshop that brought together another group of amazing people
  • Working with lots of fun, interesting and intelligent folks – learning all the time
  • Figuring out the ebb and flow of my interest in Twitter and other social media

And in my personal life….

  • Lots of skiing, road riding, yoga and travel
  • A wonderful one year anniversary weekend away with my husband in the mountains
  • Birth of my son, Ira Laurie-Pouliot, November 27, 2012.  THIS IS CERTAINLY THE HIGHLIGHT of 2012!

Being a mom is a fantastic experience.  I feel like a traveler on a journey with lots to learn along the way.  Every day is new and interesting and filled with love.  Given this, a big change for 2013 is that I will be working part-time for the first time in a very long time (normally I work more than full time).  I’m looking forward to the balance of family and work and hopefully some play in the mix too!

More reflections to come as time permits…..Happy 2013!


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