Announcing two workshops for September 2016

This year I am very excited to host two workshops focused on the use of visuals in our facilitation practice.

The first is called My Pens, Our Pens and is a brand new offering Sept 16-17. This is being developed with Nancy White (my co-conspirator of the last six years). We are treading into new territory as we explore the role of visuals in design and facilitation.   This is not your traditional workshop. We are looking to push our boundaries (and yours) in terms of the role of visuals in design and facilitation. We will ask hard questions about who captures content and what is its use?  Can visual methods help reporting out be more meaningful? What is the role of metaphor? Constraints? Where are there visual opportunities in process design? When does it make sense to use visuals and where does it detract from the process? What is the process of others capturing and harvesting content? For those joining and wanting an introduction to drawing on walls, there is an optional half-day Sept 15 to teach the basics.

The second is the 7th annual  Rosviz graphic facilitation workshop. This two-day experiential workshop provides the fundamentals needed to get started drawing on walls, use visuals to achieve your goals or hone your existing practice (Sept 19-20). Whether helping communities plan their futures or groups track progress, we will provide the skills and confidence needed to use a range of visuals in your work and engage beyond words.

Workshop details for both offerings are found here!


3 thoughts on “Announcing two workshops for September 2016”

  1. Hi Michelle, this is not really a blog post.
    I am interested in attending your Rosviz event in September, but a bit challenged on the travel to get to Rossland. Do you have any ideas on joining anyone else who might be travelling from Vancouver? To explain, I would be travelling from Australia so would fly in to Vancouver, but a bit unclear on getting from there onward. Just trying to explore this before making a committment.

    cheers Yvonne

    1. Michelle Laurie

      Hi Yvonne, Thanks for checking in! From Vancouver there are two flight options (each is an hour). Air Canada flies to Castlegar, BC a few times a day. Pacific Coastal Airlines flies to Trail, BC two times per day. We have timed the workshop so people can take either flight and make it. Typically we have a large group of people flying in who carpool to Rossland (20-30min drive). At present, I know of one or two who will pass through Vancouver and can put you in touch (for first workshop). I believe they will fly. Email is the best way to reach me and discuss (michelle.k.laurie(@)

    2. Michelle Laurie

      Hy Yvonne, In case you are still keen, I am planning a workshop July 11-12th in beautiful Rossland, BC. Its a quick hop from Vancouver!

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