Graphic Facilitation Workshop 2025
May 1-2, 2025
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Join us for our first workshop offered in Winnipeg, Manitoba!
Increase engagement, creativity and sense-making in your meetings!
This in-person training is focused on creative methods to:
- develop shared understanding;
- gain buy-in; and
- build real time competencies
If you plan and assess projects, facilitate meetings and write reports – the skills from this workshop are applicable immediately!
Check out the following video to get a taste for what is in store
This workshop is for you if:
- You plan a lot of meetings and want to make them more engaging, participatory, and meaningful;
- You do planning, strategy and assessments;
- You help groups make sense of complex ideas;
- You want new ideas on how to make your reports, presentations and videos more visually appealing;
- You want to be more engaging with groups;
- You want to hone your current practice; or simply…
- You are looking for a GIANT boost of inspiration, creativity and fresh ideas!
- You might be a facilitator, community planner, team leader, trainer, teacher, project manager, marketing guru, organizational development consultant…everyone is welcome.
The Plan
May 1st
I CAN DRAW – Visual Basics (Hands-On Writing on Walls)
The first day, we will start out by touching the paper, playing with the pens and loosening up our drawing muscles. We’ll silence those pesky inner censors and address the basics of “drawing on walls” including basic shapes, lettering and some initial iconography. You will learn a variety of ways to draw faces and people, an often intimidating but key element for visual engagement. We’ll cover basic techniques and tricks that enable any of us to draw as a way of capturing and communicating ideas with each other. At the end of the day, you will apply your skills by visually planning a real project or meeting you have. Facilitation techniques including icebreakers, giving and receiving feedback and flip chart enhancements will be interspersed throughout the day.

May 2nd
Using Visuals for Group Processes & Facilitation Methods
The second day we will apply our graphic skills in practice. We will explore how visuals can enhance group processes such as planning, meetings and evaluation. We will create mind maps, mandalas and a range of practical templates. We’ll look at the use of visuals and participatory graphics (where the pen goes into everyone’s hands) with group facilitation methods such as World Cafe, Open Space, and more. We will pay attention to preparation, the actual visual work, and follow up including digital capture of paper-based images. There will be time for lots of practice, feedback and facilitation support.
Throughout the two days you will have a safe, supportive (and fun!) space to practice and build confidence for real work settings. We also host a community of practitioners online who give constructive feedback and support long after the workshop is over.

Your Hosts
Michelle Laurie
Michelle has hosted and led more a dozen graphic facilitation workshops since 2010. In addition to the annual Rosviz in Rossland (annual pre-pandemic), she has shared the skills and fun of graphic facilitation in Edmonton, Vancouver, Kamloops, Prince George, Haida Gwaii, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and in Geneva, Switzerland. It has been an absolute pleasure to draw on walls with people working in health, the environment, community development, planning, education, marketing, agriculture, trade, policy and technology. On a personal level, despite being analytical, visuals have brought new and meaningful ways to engage others in meetings I design and facilitate. My work is at the interface of environment and development and includes strategic planning, assessments, facilitation and engagement. I help organizations, researchers and communities transform their ideas for positive change into realities on the ground. I incorporate visuals wherever I can.
Lisa Gates and Laurie Ringaert
I am very excited to welcome back Lisa Gates! Lisa, a professional graphic recorder, illustrator and educator will join online and possibly in person (let’s hope so!). She is a huge source of expertise, draws a mean scroll and brings many talents to share with us!
Laurie Ringaert of Winnipeg based Change Weavers Consulting is a skilled facilitator and our co-host for this workshop. She is bringing her local knowledge and expertise as our onsite and logistics guru!
The workshop will be held at the Robert A. Steen Community Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
- Winnipeg is the capital of the province of Manitoba and is accessible from almost anywhere in the world. Located in the geographic centre of Canada, Winnipeg is easily accessible by air, land or rail.
- Workshop participants will be provided accommodation suggestions.

Price Includes:
- Two days of hands-on training
- Personal starter kit
- Exposure and testing of a variety of supplies
- Resources to peruse during the workshop
- 1:1 coaching session for each participant post-workshop
- Post-workshop online community and support network
- Lunch, snacks, coffee and tea to fuel your throughout the day!

Hot Deals!
Register three people from one organization and receive a
4th spot free
(based on full rate)
Early Bird Registration before February 16th, 2025, $999 + tax
If you are keen and need financial assistance, contact us so we can work out a role for you to support your attendance.
Bring a friend to receive a
$99 discount
(based on full rate)
Complete the form below to reserve your place. Follow up payment information will be emailed to you. Registration is confirmed upon receipt of payment.
participant FEEDBACK from past workshops
Relevant to most areas of life
I found Michelle’s graphic facilitation workshop not only applicable to my work (which I initially wondered about), but also relevant to most other areas of life. As a research manager, I’ve been less confident working with my right brain despite knowing how helpful those right-brained tools can be for public engagement. Michelle provided me with strategies, templates, and a graphic toolbox to assist in conveying sometimes complex research foci to broader audiences. I quite highly recommend this workshop to anyone organizing team meetings, engaging with the public, participating in education activities, or even helping your children with their homework. I’ll be taking it again when offered!.
Morgan Sternberg
Research Scientist, Morrow Bioscience Ltd, workshop participant 2019
Really instrumental
Your workshop was really instrumental for me in my work. I use graphics in my research and am often invited to do recordings for strategic planning or dialogue-based events.
Katrina Plamondon
Regional Practice Leader, Research and Knowledge Translation, Interior Health (2019)
Worked well with culturally diverse group
I hired Michelle to design and deliver a training on graphic facilitation for First Nations community engagement coordinators who work in rural and remote communities. The training was fantastic focusing on relevant and innovative techniques. She worked well with the culturally diverse group as a highly skilled facilitator as well as sharing these skills with the participants. I recommend the training to others and hope to engage her again with our work in the North.
Patricia Howard
Manager Community Engagement, First Nations Health Authority (2018)
Generously shared knowledge
I was looking for some hands on learning in graphic facilitation and was lucky to find Michelle Laurie’s annual Rosviz workshop in Rossland, B.C. She skillfully and generously shared her knowledge and experience in a fun and practical way. I was looking to increase my skills in harvesting and sense making in real time in my workshops and dialogue sessions. Laurie’s workshop helped me up my game (as a facilitator and process designer) and my practice in graphic facilitation has taken off like a rocket. I apply graphic facilitation to almost everything when I have the opportunity. It’s like Frank’s Hot Sauce commercial. I put that s— on everything! and wow what a difference it makes for my clients who are bogged down or overwhelmed by complexity. The feedback I get from my clients say it all. Thanks Michelle for helping me take my work to a new level.
Jules Leboeuf
Department of Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta (2018)
Exceptional workshop
It was an exceptional workshop and we both got a lot out of it on many levels. You packed it full and yet it felt so fun and energizing!
Paula Beltgens
Consultant, workshop participant 2014
Very interesting workshop
It was a very interesting workshop. I am practicing drawing figures at most meetings I attend. I hope to use this new skill at a big brainstorm session coming in the fall with my teams. Thank you for a good time and course.
Sangita Sudan
General Manager of Development Services, Local Government (2018)
Transform group process
I wanted to send a quick thank you for hosting such a wonderful workshop. I had a fabulous time and learned a lot, even though I already took the workshop 4 years ago I was thrilled to have the opportunity to take again. The content is rich, the hands on application powerful, the people genuine and the instructors first class. Being immersed in this creative process for two whole days is an amazing experience, I would recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about graphic facilitation and how it can help positively transform group process.
Fern Sabo
Designer (2014)
Lasting memory
Loved the workshop with Nancy and Michelle…it really was practical and applicable to my work as a facilitator. I still love creating harvest walls and seeing the ripples for others who want to try it out! And also it is such a lasting memory for participants.
Lee Crevier
Facilitator, Interior Health (2018)
Take this course
Learn to draw with wild abandon! Take this course!
Workshop Participant 2013
Director of social service organization
All Workshops