Liking gmail


I finally clicked on the red highlighted “New” button on my gmail account and learned about priority inbox.  The quick intro made me love gmail all the more!


1. Gmail is already great because its free, has inexpensive additional storage, has great search capacity, fairly good spam block, several features for archiving and managing the emails…the list goes on.

2. The new Priority Inbox is going to help ‘day to day’ management of emails, thereby creating less distractions for me and ideally increase productivity.

3. The animated video to explain the new tool is simple, quick and fun.  Very cool.

If you don’t want to watch the animation, in a nutshell,  the system automatically launches your inbox into important new emails, important (already read emails) and less important.  If you feel they made an error you can train the system by switching emails around so gmail learns what you think is important or not.

So far, I think this is fabulous and look forward to trying it out in the coming weeks.  Watch the quick intro video to learn and also admire how google used a simple animation to communicate its message.


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