Questions and reflective practice


This morning I came across a resource that really resonated with me. Its geared toward visual practitioners however the idea is pertinent to all facilitators, process designers, strategists and others managing processes for change. You can view it here:

The question well (name of the resource) is about taking a moment to pause and reflect on the work you are doing. It poses great questions that relate to you and your work, you and your client, the client and your work and so forth. As a process facilitator, blogger and someone who works with groups on reflective practice, learning and making meaning – this resource is a fabulous start to ensuring our work is more effective. It helps us understand things from different perspective, look for areas to make change, adapt as well as reinforce where things are going well.

In addition to pointing out the usefulness of reflective practice, it also presents questions that can be applied in a variety of circumstances beyond visual work. These questions help us design better processes, engage with groups on a deeper level and build understanding amongst diverse stakeholders that are often trying to work on layered and complex challenges.

Lastly, a big thank you to the authors for taking time to pull together the resource and generously sharing their work!


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