In the last couple months I have come across an info graphic on Twitter that is definitely worth sharing. Thanks to @SocialBttrfly for reposting yesterday.

As a recently new ‘tweeter’ (6 months) these stats are helpful in understanding the power of Twitter and how to harness that power. I have learnt:
- Tweet between 9-11am or 1-3pm
- Tweet on Tuesdays for maximum viewing
- I am not alone on Twitter, 1 billion tweets go out every week
The info graphic is useful as while I am experiencing the power of Twitter by crowd sourcing information, sharing ideas and learning about new things via my networks and their networks, not everyone is convinced. The info graphic may help boost confidence in your skeptics. Yep – it’s a fast and fun tool for communication, outreach and learning. How can you argue when someone is joining Twitter every 5 seconds? I admit, its a bit distracting. Still, give it a try and share your twitter handle! @MKlaurie is now going back to work 🙂