Rosviz, our annual graphic facilitation workshop in Rossland, B.C. finished July 20th however I am still buzzing as the ‘harvests’ of the 3 day ‘drawing on walls’ adventure keep rolling in!
As one of the activities on the last day, Nancy White (co-conspirator) and I invited groups to create harvests of their own using video, a graphic recording mural and a mystery station! Here are a few of the creative artefacts that emerged!
Group 1’s Video Harvest:
Group 2’s Video Harvest:
Group 3’s Video Harvest:
Harvest Journal (saved onto Dropbox!)
Our Participatory Graphic Recording Harvest Wall
Hosting a 3 day workshop is energizing, exhausting and filled with learning. What did I take home this year? In no particular order, here are a few of my gems:
– People are amazingly creative when given space, tools and opportunities
– Learn a dozen icons to have in the back pocket – it’s worth the practice!
– Facilitating with a partner can be a fantastic experience. It provides time to re-juvenate between sessions, gives participants a blending of styles and has the benefit of bouncing ideas off someone which leads to a better product. Thank you Nancy!
– Prepare, prepare, prepare and then… embrace improv.
– Trust the universe and trust what you bring and offer.
***You can see all the photos from our 3-day workshop on Flickr
Thank you to all the amazing folks that participated in graphic facilitation workshops in 2010, 2011, and 2012 for sharing your enthusiasm for the practice and inspiring me to push my limits with incorporating visuals into my work. Yahoo!
P.s. Planning for 2013 has not yet begun but if you want the workshop in your town, contact me as we are open to ideas!
4 thoughts on “Reflections on 3 days of graphic facilitation in Rossland, B.C, #rosviz”
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