The #OCE2012 Harvest

How do we document, share and foster ongoing learning?  This is an important question to ask when designing workshops and events.

A few weeks ago I co-designed/facilitated a learning event for BC Campus called “The Online Community Enthusiasts Gathering“.  This is an annual gathering of interesting people mostly from the Lower Mainland/Vancouver Island.  Previous themes have included stewarding online communities and planning events.  This year, the topic was “Facilitating and Designing Stuff”.  I have a lot to write on the process of team design and delivery (thanks to Nancy White, Sylvia Currie, Dave Pollard, John Smith and Alice McGillvary) however recently I came across a harvest that I found absolutely delightful and want to share with you!  This is a great a way to summarize the feeling and activity of the day – for those with video skills…something to consider in your next event.  Here is the video from Heather Kincaid:

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Heather also put together a harvest using “storify” which made a story from all of the tweeting during the day:

There is also a photo summary via flickr posted on the BC Campus OCE 2012 website:

I learned a lot during the day and I am glad it’s continuing with the harvest.  I am inspired already for OCE2013…


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