It’s been 2 weeks since the Graphic Facilitation workshop ended in Rossland, B.C (July 13-15, 2011). What have I learned that I will take with me in the future and can share with you? Here are a few of my reflections:
- The workshop was a full 2.5 days of learning, practice and sharing ideas with a diverse range of fantastic people. While the workshop may have ended, the community is strong with active postings and sharing on our community Facebook Page (Rosviz10), Flickr (search rosviz) and Twitter (#rosviz). It’s amazing to see the back and forth and ongoing support of each others’ work.
- Graphic facilitation, recording and using visuals helps me (and us) to crystallize our ideas. It’s a method within the facilitation toolbox to get people to focus and deal with the overload of ideas and information out there. It’s true that often an image speaks a thousand words. As Nancy likes to say, “We are making the invisible visible.”
- Small things make a big difference when communicating with visuals. For example a little shading, a few shapes, and choosing a great colour palette make the visual pop and grab peoples’ attention.
- Technology could help strengthen the future of graphic recording. As more and more people use iPad’s and other devices with drawing technology, I believe we will see more use of visuals in mainstream work.
- Our workshop created an incubator for risk taking. Each person took risks in their own way. For some it was the art, for others it was telling a story and for others it may have been sharing their feedback. The workshop setting and group vibe created a safe place for people to step out of their comfort zone and try new things.
During the workshop, 2010 workshop participant Sylvia Currie, took on the role of ‘social reporter’. This video captures the essence of the workshop really well! [blip.tv http://blip.tv/play/AYLKoX4C]
She captured interviews with participants on their experience posted here, she blogged about the workshop here (fantastic post by the way!) and she posted photos here. She also recorded the Elluminate session with alumnus Susan Stewart on iPad graphic recording.
Nancy White, my co-conspirator, posted her photos here, the icon drawing jam here and [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmnfujQ_3w8&feature=youtu.be].
Violette Clark (workshop participant) also created a blog post and likely there are more. This is a call to all workshop participant’s to share your blogs if you posted something (use the comments feature, thanks!).
If you are on Flickr, Twitter, Facebook or other sites and looking to find posts – use rosviz as your search term. As twitter posts change so quickly, our #rosviz tweets are archived here.
If you know others who want to learn about graphic facilitation and graphic recording, please stay in touch and let us know. If we can gather a critical mass, we may be able to do this next year….it really is so much fun!
Before signing off, parting words to those who participated…..practice when you can, continue learning and use the community for support and inspiration!
Thank you again to all the workshop participants in 2010 and 2011, co-organizers/ supporters and to those who followed along via social media.
2 thoughts on “Workshop ends…community begins”
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