Last call for Rosviz19!

We are in the home stretch for registration! One month until the annual graphic facilitation workshop 'Rosviz19' begins. There are 3 spots left. This is why you should register:
  1. You want to increase engagement in meetings and with teams, you want to add skills to your toolkit BUT you think…I can’t draw. In this workshop, I promise you will transform that thinking!
I can draw
Yes that is you jumping up with joy!

2. You are planning an event or a project and you need to visualize your timeline. You want to communicate this to your client or to your team in a simple way to share the big picture ideas. This workshop provides you with the tools and confidence to do so!

Here is a quick example:

draw your next event
A visual timeline explaining stages, dates and process.

3. You are wondering…what the heck are we going to do? Here are some ideas…

ideas for the workshop

Still not sure? Check out the video from 2018!

Details provided on this webpage.

Scholarships available on as need basis!

Contact me with your questions.


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