One week until Graphic Facilitation Workshops

Good Morning People!

This is a week of anticipation…before a very exciting week of fun.

We are 7 days away from hosting 2 graphic facilitation workshops.  We have the annual RosViz event in Rossland, BC (4 time!) and Vancouver, BC (1st time!).  These workshops provide a great excuse to pick up the markers once again and let the creative energy flow!  The last time I did this was the night before I went into labour (November 2012)  for real 🙂

What’s ahead…designing the agenda, practicing those icons, some back and forth with a woman I truly feel fortunate to work with, and a chance to meet and work with amazing people from across BC, AB and the USA.

Check out the poster that was made for our Vancouver workshop sponsored by BC Campus and UBC:


Vancouver is sold out!

Rossland (Sept 23-24) still has a few spaces left and we would love to have you join the fun!  Find out more at:

We even have a social reporter this year so lots of pics, tweets (#rosviz), and stories to come!


2 thoughts on “One week until Graphic Facilitation Workshops”

  1. Can you let me know when the next graphic facilitation course is? I have a few members of our team that would love the training. We are located in Prince George, BC and would love to learn how to do this!

    1. Michelle Laurie

      Hi Patricia,

      Thanks for getting in touch. That is really great to hear!
      There has been quite a lot of interest for a workshop in June/July. I am planning one for then but need to nail down a date. I’ll email you and the others to figure out when works for most people.


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