This is a spring person – good for illustrating energy, fun and youthfulness!
That is how I felt after doing two graphic facilitation workshops back to back. It’s been about two weeks but I’m still feeling all the positive vibes that the workshops brought on. I’m not sure exactly what it is but whenever we (my co-facilitator Nancy) and I bring a group together (often people who don’t know each other), and put markers in their hands – the energy explodes and people seem to be on fire (in a good way).
We worked with over forty people from around B.C., Alberta, and the U.S.A. between the venues of Rossland (aka Rosviz) and Vancouver (UBC viz).
At UBCviz, we were asked how does the planning process work, so we drew it out at the workshop. Unfortunately the image is a little blurry (possibly a metaphor for our planning process?).
In a nutshell, we put our brains together, use online platforms to help us communicate face-to-face and with our notes, take the information back to our offices and process it individually and then come together again (and again and again) until we come up with a flow that works. In the moment, we check in, adapt and usually improvise!
So, once the planning is done, what actually happens? Well, thanks to Joseph Topo from UBCviz I can offer you this visual summary he created after the workshop.
That covers the first 1.5 days. The last half of day two isn’t drawn yet so in the meantime, a quick summary is that we spend most of the afternoon doing collective visual harvests of what we learned. These are artefacts that help document what people remember from the workshop and want to recall in the future. In small groups, people rotate between three harvest stations (the type of stations change year to year). This year we had “create a book”, “large visual harvest wall”, and “create a template” stations. We finish with a visual evaluation.
Here are some photos of the harvest walls (1 from Rosviz and 2 from UBCviz):
And some additional photos that capture the essence of the workshops:

For the full set of photos you can search rosviz on Flickr or follow this link:
So, two weeks later, how am I feeling? Inspired!
These workshops were the first face-to-face meetings I had since giving birth to my son 10 months ago. I was a little nervous going in however the people were kind, my co-facilitator was generous and my husband took great care of Ira which provided me the freedom to do what I love.
Thank you to those who participated and I invite anyone who hasn’t experienced this workshop yet to join us in 2014. Date and location are not fixed, so drop a line and let me know what you would like to see!
6 thoughts on “Wow!”
Thanks to you and Nancy for facilitating the session! Everybody here at UBC are still buzzing on wanting to practice and practice and practice.
Thanks for the equipping and inspiring us on those two days!
Hi Zack, You guys did a great job organizing. Glad it worked…I see the metaphor of bees in CTLC and lots more drawing in the snack room 🙂
Thanks for the amazing experience of Ros Viz! You made me see a dimension of myself I hadn’t explored since my high-school art teacher convinced me I couldn’t draw. I’ve already found a couple of folks interested in attending next year. I am so glad I ventured out of my comfort zone!!
PS You can use this quote
Thanks Janice – you are very kind! So glad it was useful!
It was an amazing and empowering experience. I have practiced my new found skills and had a ton of fun three times since taking the workshop (to rave reviews tho’ I see a ton of mistakes!) thank you SOOOOO much.
Tess – its awesome to see you jumping in and that people are responding positively! Bring boo boo labels. Imperfection is an invitation (as Nancy says). I think its true and it helps with engagement/participation/sharing the pens. Thanks so much for the feedback too!