Facilitator musings in times of social distancing


A facilitators’ role is to help create, and support, the space for others to do their best work. Much of the world is hitting pause at the moment… while others are in fast-forward. As a face-to-face meeting facilitator, its time to step up, learn and adapt.

  • How can we effectively be in service to others while socially distancing?
  • What are the tools?
  • What are the activities that need to change?
  • What is the appropriate pace for change?
  • What are the expectations of our clients? The project beneficiaries? Our colleagues and ourselves?

I’ve chosen to dive into a few new tools and will be seeking the expertise of friends and colleagues in the field of online facilitation. As a person attached to old fashioned mediums such as pens, paper and face-to-face interaction, I’m looking forward to the learning!

A key message I’m taking from the online discussion groups I’m lurking in is to keep asking:

  • What do we want to accomplish?
  • What can we create online to help experience it?

A few great facilitators and the resources they have shared thus far are highly recommended. Check them out:

Stay healthy and stay safe!

Michelle Laurie Signature


3 thoughts on “Facilitator musings in times of social distancing”

  1. Pingback: A meta look at resources to work and facilitate online more effectively | agilefacil

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